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4:25 p.m. - 2001-05-15
crazy crazy uncle sally.....
Jola everyone. I had chinese food a little bit ago.....that makes me happy. The way to my heart is through a good plate of chicken fried rice. AH MAN that stuff is good.

Guitar picks and wingerwoo's make the world go 'round. That's what my crazy uncle sally used to say.

I am in a really weird mood. A silly weird mood. I like it,hehe. MOOOOOOOO.

Um. Yeah. This weekend.....holy crap. So much stuff. I am supposed to go to like 80 open houses and there is a bonfire and a LAN party (local area network gaming) and my friends are doing stuff and I dont know HOW I am going to remember to do everything. Shite.

I need to do something with my time.....I dont do anything useful anymore. I did for a while, but no longer. Eh....I'll figure something out.

Thats my bitching for today.




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