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1:13 a.m. - 2001-06-26
In 30 years.
Gosh dangit.....I really am confused like crazy. Sometimes I just feel like every problem in my life could be solved by just having a g/f..and sometimes I realize that i'm wrong. But I really would like to just find someone...I always meet this girls I like and something starts to happen or something could happen and then either situations are wrong or I screw it up or whatever. I know these 2 girls and I like both of them but I dont know what to do...things are kind of weird. Agh. I just want someone that I can sit with and stare the stars for hours and just hold and talk to. Someone that doesnt always care about doing something. Bah. Oh well, maybe i'll find someone in 30 years.

Jan is gone, I miss him. Clemence leaves tomorrow, i'm going to miss her A LOT. I think a lot of my moods are due to my friends leaving. I dont deal with major losses like this very well...oh well though.

Sorry Brandy.

Aaron, I hope things work out.

Goodnight world.



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