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9:03 p.m. - 2001-08-02
At some point I am just going to explode. I dont feel particularly close with anyone right now.....I need something constant in my life, something that is there all the time. I feel like my problems are a burden to other people when I talk about them but I love when people come to me. It's kind of odd. I need to just get things together somehow, but thats not as easy as I thought it would be. I should go to a shrink or something.

Sometimes I wish I had one of those movie best know, the ones that you are always with and you can never get too much of, and when you do you just take it out on eachother with pillows or something. Someone who doesnt mind just sitting around every now and then.......a girlfriend would be nice too.

Confused and alone....that's how I feel right now.

Something I just started writing....very sketchy.......could be cool when finished and redone 30 times.....blah. About noone in particular, just situations that seem to happen often. Maybe with someone in mind...but I dunno.

--== SonG/PoeM ==--

Why do good things always pass

I'm always knowing last

What things could have come

What I shoulda done-(pause)

You didnt know I liked you

What could I do

I didnt know

So now I am trying to

We liked eachother

Everyone knew

We liked eachother

Everyone but me and you

Now I guess that's all through



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