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6:19 p.m. - 2001-09-03
I need to add entries more often. Sometimes I get sidetracked and I dont really remember to and stuff....oh well.

In current news:

College sucks. My knee feels like there are small people stabbing it from the inside. Girls suck. My car is the shit. And as always, money sucks.

Once again I use this line. "Sometimes I just wish I could get away from everything for a while." I really do need a break. Summer is supposed to be a break. HAH. Summer has always been somewhat entertaining and atleast better than school for me. Until this summer. Looking back I dont think I accomplished much at all. I didnt DO anything, I didnt GO anywhere, I didnt change much, whether it be physically, mentally, style wise, or anything. All I did was lose friends and forget about a lot of important things in life.

I really wish I had dont a bunch of things differently. Especially with girls. I think I need to spend some time thinking about how I handle things. I get way too nervous and self concious around girls I like and such. It's really quite annoying but I dont know how to help it really.

And with friends. I need care a whole lot less about pleasing everyone and stuff. Numerous people have mentioned this to me. I try too hard to make everyone happy but in the meantime I am screwing myself and others over. I just want to be there for everyone.....people dont see that in me sometimes though. I wish people knew how much I cared for them.

Oye. I guess I just need to think a lot. But it would be nice to get away from EVERYTHING for a few days and be by myself and think and write and OYE. T'would be nice, but the reality of the situation is that it will not happen. Oh well.

Until next time, this is Chad Ferguson signing off.




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