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5:57 p.m. - 2001-09-08
Pay it forward it forward......
Ok, so there has only been a few times ever that I have seen a movie that was good enough to make me even think about it. To make me care about it. To make me actually feel something so intense that it made me cry. "American Beauty" is one of them because it made me think about my life and how insignificant everything I worry about is. The movie I just watched is another. "Pay It Forward" is really is a very unique movie. Its not the cameras, its not the acting...I dont even know what it is, but there is something different about this movie. It made me, once again, think about how insignificant some things are and how I, and everyone else, needs to look around them and not just look at things, but they need to SEE them. They need to see things and do something. Dont feel sorry for someone/something, do something about it. I know those are big words but hopefully somehow I can do this. It really is something worth living for, worth changing myself for. Oye.....I need to think and people arent being very cool about it.



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