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12:56 a.m. - 2001-09-24
End of the day
things are coming

nothing stopping

will she call me


forget about her

shes not worth it

they say to me


but shes so cool

and shes so great

when will she call me...


normally i

sit around and go nowhere

read some books and play guitar

just sit and stare

all this time alone does something to me

it makes me think what would it be like

with someone there

just hanging out and spending time

someone with which i can share

everything i care about

and shit, its not fair


song I am writing.....lost my train of thought, will finish later. Need warm blanket and sleep. Will return, oh yes. Oh yes.

*cough* Stupid air,Stupid girls,Stupid foreign countries,Stupid friends. Oye.

Life isnt always that bad at the end of the night.



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