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8:53 p.m. - 2001-11-11
Bitchfest '01
I have also decided to add learning to play guitar...good...onto my list. I am satisfied with my current rate of learning, but I dont want to just be satisfied. I want to go beyond what is just "ok" The only reason I want to learn guitar is so I can express myself better......I really do see it as an extension of me. But not being able to play it well limits things greatly. I also want to start writing more, like songs and such. I havent done it much so I have almost forgot how, heh. My dream is to be in a band....I mean...I kind of have a project going with Aaron, but the likelyhood of us ever doing anything is slim to none.

My shortcomings are really bothering me lately. I am in this constant state of wanting to better myself and I havent done SHIT about it. But that's its not. Argh. I need to find someone who wants to work out with me, start a band, and also hold hands. The latter is optional, but would be a super plus.

Sonofabitch. I should just rename this diary "Bitchfest '01" argh! Oh well. Fuck off.



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