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5:07 a.m. - 2001-12-01
SEL! Blah.
Tonight I was asked a few question.....ones that I didnt know quite how to answer.....I was asked if I am happy or if I have been happy in the last two years first.. And I sat there for about 2 minutes staring at the ceiling not knowing what to say...but I eventually came to the conclusion... no I am not, and have not. Then I was asked "What would make you happy" and once again I didnt know. I dont think I ever did answer that, I think I somehow changed the topic.....but I am going to talk about it for a moment.....what would make me happy that is. I need to move out and support myself, start a band, and have a meaningful relationship. That may either sound like a lot or very little...but it's what I need. I hate not being happy...and I still dont know what keeps me from being's just something big, and I cant figure it out. And it's not something I like to talk about much either....i'm surprised I did tonight...I am really glad I did tonight.

I know some of this may not make sense or seem very babbly but it is 5:20 am and I just needed to get some stuff out.....



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