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4:59 p.m. - 2001-12-13
Mass Blob
This entry is for the dude/dudette who signed my guestbook. I totally agree. Music and Clothing should not define your personality, but in many ways those are the two most apparent items in peoples lives. I wear what I wear and listen to what I listen and basically dont care all too much what other people think about those things. I DO get worried about them judging me because of it though, but that is just how I am, and I know that people who would just me based on those things are superficial fucks and arent worth the shit off their mothers asses, but somehow it still matters. But it's ignorant to say that people dont judge others based on their clothing/music choices, because even I do it. I hate jocky/preppy assholes who listen to backstreet boys and creed and stupid thugs that wear their bling bling and g ride listening to Nelly. That may seem like the same thing..but I dont judge them because of how the look or what they listen to, I am judging based on how the majority (99%) that I have met and interacted with have been complete dicks and act like 3 year olds. So ok I may not hate them, or dislike them even, but I really dont think they are people worth knowing unless they do or say something damn amazing. The fact is everyone is judged constantly and whether you admit it or not, you are doing just as much of it. I am comfortable with how I dress, and I am comfortable with my music. I also know, to an extent, who I am enough to be comfortable and know that I am much more than clothing/music. But those thing DO help me express myself just that little bit more. Anyway. This is another mass blob of thoughts and are rather jumbled......some day I am going to work on grouping thoughts. Oye. Anyway, thanks for signing my book, it gave me a lot to think about.




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