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05:49 p.m. - 2001-03-22
r/c rules.....
Skating. The last thing I have.......and all ive been doing is getting hurt. Not cool.....I wish I could just do something and now have to worry about pain or screwing up my knee, or blood. It sucks....

Why do things have to keep hurting after they are over? Every time I talk to Esther I hurt.....and I mean, it's not like I still have feelings for her, but it just really hurts....

I got a cell phone! Did I already say that? Eh...well I did.

I'm hungry! DAMN!

hehehe, i was at the skatepark and these two punk girls were talking to me and calling me like sexual chocolate or something. It was odd. hehe.....kind of funny I think.

Girls are confusing, why cant stuff just like happen. The whole awkward period sucks ass. (Note: This is an observation. Not something i'm currently feeling.) Its so stupid to be like weird around someone when you both like eachother. I screwed up big at prom last year when that happened. I messed up and it screwed things up between the two of us and we didnt talk for like 2 months. BLAH!

So moving on. I need to get back into R/C cars. That was way fun, and took up a good chunk of time. It's expensive, but worth it totally. The thrill of beating someones butt on the racetrack is kewl. :)

Angie is in Florida. Lucky her! I hope she is having fun. Prom should rule....Getting to meet all of the cool Hudson people *cough* hehehehe.

Thats all I can think of right now. Maybe more later? Maybe.......



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