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10:09 p.m. - 2001-03-21
WOW! Another fairly good day. This week is pretty frackin cool.

The main reason I cant say because i'm not supposed to know I dont think, but yeah, it made me way happy because I have been hoping it for a long time. *cough* Yeah.

I got a cell phone tonight!!!!!!!!!! 319-630-0339

if you want it :)

So yeah. Brandy reads my journal/diary thing or whatever. Doesnt surprise me really, a lot more people that I ever thought would see it have read it by :) It just makes it kind of odd knowing someone I write about reads T'is Life.

menbrandyandstuff are supposed to do something Friday night. I cant think of anything except our schools crappy dance. I REALLY hope I figure something else out, because our dances are like kind of.....ehrmmm............yeah. HELP ME PLEASE! EMAIL ME SUGGESTIONS. Or, Brandy, you can tell me what you want to do! :) Because I cant think of anything, like I said, and stuff.

I really want to write, but I cant. It sucks...write poems/songs I mean. I have so much stuff that I like but I cant seem to write that well, or finish anything. Maybe I have grown and all that is something I need to get over and maybe I just need to develop a different style? That could be it. Egh.

Thinking sucks. I mean....its nice to do every now and then, but it just makes me sad usually. Ive been thinking a lot lately. About a lot of things. Girls, Money(The lack of it), School, Girls.....Brandy. And yeah. Stuff.

DAMNIT. Now I feel weird.

ill write more later. bibi



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