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12:19 a.m. - 2001-05-02
damn long crap
Long entry. Read if bored. DAH!

Ok. Wow. The last day has been really weird. I have thought about a lot of things. A lot of different thing I am very proud of. I wrote a letter to the editor (school newspaper) about my disgust towards how the administration is treating a student at our school, someone I am kind of friends with, because he dresses weird. He has been taken out of school, searched in the middle of the hallway, escorted to his car, called at home, and taken out of class, all because some asshole jock motherfuckers think it is funny to start rumors about him. Anyway....he wrote a letter to the editor about he has been treated and our principal and our safety officer both responded with manufactured pos letters that not only totally ignored every comment in his article, but managed to make the whole administration seem like a bunch of blind idiots. But whatever.......

Next thing...I am really different than like all of my friends. I don't really fit in with any group of them....I dont dress like most of them, I dont act like most of them, I dont like the same music as most of them......I just am not like them. And although that can be really sucks sometimes, because I never feel like I really fit in anywhere.......some of my friends are REALLY smart, and I mean...I am not saying im stupid, but I just know different kinds of things.....they are all like psycho book smart and I know things about computers and obscure techie crap and just random weird stuff.....they know all of the "school" stuff and I mean. As much as I would like to give a shit about anything I learn/learned in school, I just dont. It's pointless. ANYHOO off the subject...yeah. I just feel like I dont fit in with anyone I hang out with.....even my best friends are way different than me. It's cool sometimes...but usually not.

Next. I feel like I really want to DO something. I mean like something important....I want to join some political organization or a group or a club (any kind I mean) and just DO something....

I need to register for college, SHIT! College. Damn ass holy crap. Wow. I dont want to go to hawkeye anymore, I want to move to Scotland. hehehe. But Hawkeye will do until I get money to move somewhere else. I should have done more homework and I probably could have got a will just have to pay for it by working my ass off for 6 years so I can get two degrees.

Relationships. Shit they are confusing and I just dont think it should be this hard. DAMN. Being single is a bitch, but the persuit of the non-singular life is the hardest part....blah.

---We bring you this short intermission due to the excessive length of the entry you were just reading---

I dont wanna urinate on myself...I dont wanna urinate on anyone else....I guess that really doesnt matter anymore, cuz i cant control my bladder anymore.......Well I guess that all depends.. UNDER GARMENTS......


---Back to more of my shit--

I am officialy 18 now. Wow. Freaky.....I am now officialy a leach on society. YAY!

Blink-182 and The Atari's have some really damn good lyrics.....I seriously feel like crying or just..I dont know sometimes when i'm listening to them because they are so damn real to me...I really wish I could get my writing back. I miss being able to write songs..........

Umm. I just lost my train of though when talking to Judith, heheheh. She is a cool way. Hmm...anyway. I think I will end my entry and go to bed now. I will make more later.





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