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4:20 a.m. - 2001-11-29
Tonight was pretty cool. I met a bunch of really awesome people and just chilled and stuff. I have a new found respect for some of the straight edge kids. I talked to Monte (sp?) Kelly and he is really fucking cool and pretty much has the same ideas idea about that kind of stuff, but he just follows them,hehe. He belives straight edge is a personal belief and it for himself and noone else and that is that. Which is freaking awesome. He also said that when people fight it is because people were talking crap abought straight edge, and I can understand that too, because it is just like talking crap about anyones beliefs. So yeah, anyway. I think xxx is ok now, just dont shove in my face or beat people down because of your beliefs and I will do the same :)

Also. Skateboarders are cool. I met like 8 skateboarders tonight and they were totally rad, and one guy "pooper" freakin awesome. hehe. I really hope I talk to these people again, they are really fun and super nice people. Anyway.....I have class tomorrow so I am up out of this piece, yo. hehehe.


p.s. Steph. I think you are awesome no matter how blahblahblah your mom says you are. You are one of the coolest people ever...even if I have only talked to you online. *hug* If only I could do that for real :)



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