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1:54 a.m. - 2001-12-11
Blah in the best of sorts.
Doooood. I got a hooog and a kiss on the nose! Yaaaah. hehehe. Man i'm a nerd. Also, I traded an rc car for a fairly nice laptop. It's fairly sweet. Not EXACTLY what I wanted, but i'm trading a freaking rc car, hehe. 333 mhz p2, 64 megs ram, 6gb hdd, cd/floppy built in, and a few other nifty features. It's a compaq....that kinda scares me.....but I will survive I am sure! hehe. Big plans for this computer I have. Oh the trips we will go on...the places we will see.....the people we will meet.....the tires we will roll in. Much fun I am sure. *sigh* me=really confused and nervous. Oh well. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. That goes well with a lot of my life. Blah (in a good way!)



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