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2:28 a.m. - 2001-12-12
So yeah. I spent 6 hours cleaning my room tonight all because I got a new tv. Yeah. A new tv. I dont know what made my mom decide to buy me a tv, but whatever! hehe. I am way happy about it because my old one was nearly dead.....the new one looks freakin sweet. I am watching SLC Punk on it. It is great. So anyway, I feel bad because when I started cleaning my room I figured it would be a 30 minute job and I would get back on and talk to everyone but that didnt work out and everyone was gone :( sorry! I should really do a bunch of homework so I dont get screwed tuesday. Argh. In other news I think I will have the money to visit Colorado! yay. But yeah, my entries have been rather pointless lately because I have been, well, I have been trying to hold them in. Not a good idea but I am really confused as of late and I dont know what to say really. Argh. Anyway, this entry is too long. Adios......




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