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00:34:48 - 2001-03-07
fuk u kris
Ok.....need to clear something up. When I said noone seems to notice that I'm depressed, it wasnt a complaint. It was just an observation.....I just wanted to note the fact that I obviously do not put out a vibe that I'm not happy or something. That's probably not a good thing, but not a bad thing either I dont think...........I just got back from the doctors office.....again. I still have bronchitis. Shit....

My Life Updates:

College/Job: I currently feel as if everything I want to do is going to go nowhere. Every field of college im interested in is related to computers somehow, not there is anything wrong with that, but the fact a few years my training will be obsolete and computers are going to be different. So im trying to figure out what I want to do. I just dont know. Blockbuster hasnt called yet......

Depression: I feel exactly the same (lost.hurt.angry.sad). I didnt go to school yesterday because I dont think I could have handled it. Today I didnt go because my grandmother was in the hospital all night and most of today, that just makes everything so much better. Yeah. And so I have now missed 7/12 days out of this 4 1/2 weeks. I need to do something fast or im going to fail all my classes due to lack of attendance. Something is killing me inside. I wish I could figure it out.

I think im going to talk to my mom about how I feel and stuff (mentally) and maybe see a shrink type person. I think it might help me. I just need someone I can tell crap to on a regular basis without feeling intrusive.


Esther. Where are you.....I miss talking to her so much, but there just isnt anything for me to say. She is not as different as I once thought. She became exactly what everyone else is. Maybe not at heart, but thats how she acts right now. I miss you...

DJ: You are so awesome man. Sometimes I think I seem to blow you off and I just want to say its totally not intentional and im sorry. Im way glad I met you, your one of the most.....interesting....and most awesome people ive ever been friends with. Your one of my best friends.....

Katy.: You are one smart, sexy, and just awesome person. Thanks for being my friend.

Winter: What can I say about winter....hehe. Your a cool cat :) Thanks for talking to me and stuff, your awesome! Not hating me is cool huh?

Brandy: You will never see this but oh well. Your an incredible person and I wish we could be closer because yeah. That just doesnt seem to be happening.......

Megan: Your a great chica. Dont let guys use you. Its no good. Your too good to have that happen. Thanks for caring :)

Aaron: Another person who will never see this...Your my best friend and your probably further from me than half the people I just met last weekend....


Kenzy called me today and we talked alot and it turns out she thinks I used her for "sexual relation" type stuff. And I didnt. She said "im not mad that you used me" and I was like WHAT THE FUCK???? Because I in NO way used her. Sure I felt weird and didnt talk to her much for like a week after we did stuff but after that it was totally normal again. And its not so much that she thought I may have used her....its that she SAID I used her. There is obviously something I'm missing, because I would never use a girl, especially to relieve my hormones. And how could I have used her when I had feelings for her and wanted to ask her out??? The only reason I didnt is because she lives an hour away and we would only see eachother a few times a month and we could rarely talk to eachother on the phone. It would suck ass.

Thats all.......




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