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6:52 p.m. - 2001-04-17
happy days
Last night I didnt get home until like 12:30,hehehe....I was hanging out with DJ and Angie, t'was pretty fun. I need to like.....not feel weird around people so much, I always act kind of reserved and I cant express myself very..ummm.....well...yeah.

PROM IS LIKE WAY SOON SONOFABITCH. I still have a date to my own prom! ACK! Not cool.....I think I will find a date though. I think.....hope.......eek. Well, even if I dont atleast I am going to Hudson's prom, it should be pretty fizun.

Ever want something so bad it hurts? I'm sure you have....Well, if you havent. It sucks.


I wrote a poem a long while a go and I just like modified it...It's kind of cool.



Everywhere I go all that I see

Is people tearing themselves apart

With inner agony

The do what MTV does and dont question themselves

They dont care what they are doing

They dont care what they are on

All they care for is what

Brittany has on



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